Java Multiple Choice Questions

  • 1) Which of the following is true?
  • 2) Which of the following are true?
  • 3) Which of the following are true about the Error and Exception classes?
  • 4) In order for a source code file, containing the public class test, to successfully compile, which of the following must be true?
  • 5) What garbage collection in the context of java?
  • 6) Which exception is thrown by the read( ) method of input stream class?
  • 7) Which is not a true statement about an array?
  • 8) Which of the following create an empty two-dimensional array with dimensions 2×2?
  • 9) The ___ and ___ classes are filter streams that allow the reading and Writing of Java primitive data types.
  • 10) The two major classes for byte streams are ___ and ___
  • 11) The term exception denotes an ___ event. Java handles exceptions the ___ way.
  • 12) A class can be declared as ___ if you do not want the class to be subclassed. Using the ___ keyword we can abstract a class interface from its implementation
  • 13) The ___ keyword is used to derive a class from a superclass. The ___ keyword is used to declare classes that define common properties and behavior of other classes
  • 14) Two kinds of data types in java are ___ and ___
  • 15) ___ is a highly optimized set of instructions designed to be executed by the Java runtime system, which is called the ___.
  • 16) The ___ is used to handle the errors that may occur during the invocation of a remote method. Remote Method Invocation uses ___ Protocol
  • 17) Choose the CORRECT statement.
  • 18) __ contains the class libraries that are needed to create servlets
  • 19) Servlets provide an efficient replacement for ___ scripts
  • 20) __ is a Technology used in java programming for objects interacting on different platforms across a network.
  • 21) The ___ method takes a Graphics class object as a parameter. The ___ method draws the graphics of the applet in the drawing area.
  • 22) CORBA stands for
  • 23) RMI stands for
  • 24) __ package Contains classes that help in connecting to a database
  • 25) Which of the following is NOT a part of JDBC URL?
  • 26) __ provides a database-programming interface for Java programs
  • 27) __ is a set of computer programs that controls the creation, maintenance, and the use of the database of an organization and its end-users
  • 28) ___ method is called the first time an applet is loaded into the memory of a computer
  • 29) All applets must be declared as ___.
  • 30) A ___ is a java program that can be embedded in a Web page
  • 31) Which method is used to read a byte as an 8-bit signed value?
  • 32) Which of the following statement is the explanation of the int read () method
  • 33) A ___ is a sequence of bytes traveling from a source to a destination over a communication path.
  • 34) The ___ class creates and maintains a buffer for an input stream
  • 35) Which of the following is not a Exception in Java.
  • 36) Find the keyword which is not used to implement exception
  • 37) The class at the top of the exception classes hierarchy is called ___
  • 38) Which of the following method does not belong to the graphics class?
  • 39) Which property of Java allows the creation of hierarchical classifications?
  • 40) An ___ determines which features of a class may be used by other classes
  • 41) A class that is inherited is called a superclass __
  • 42) The ___ statement is used inside the switch to terminate a Statement sequence
  • 43) __ is a multi-way branch statement
  • 44) Which of the following is not a Looping statement ___
  • 45) Java platform consists of JVM and a package of readymade software components this package is known as ___.
  • 46) Which of the following is NOT a Java Keyword?
  • 47) __ Operator is used to creating an object.
  • 48) A compiler converts the Java program into an intermediate language representation called ___
  • 49) Which Property does not hold good for Java.
  • 50) Java is designed for the distributed environment of the Internet because it handles ___ protocols
  • 51) __ is the ability of a Java application to perform multiple tasks at the same time.
  • 52) Which keyword is used for accessing the features of a package?
  • 53) Which of the following is a reserved keyword in Java?
  • 54) What do you mean by chained exceptions in Java?
  • 55) Which of the following is an immediate subclass of the Panel class?
  • 56) An interface with no fields or methods is known as a ______.
  • 57) What do you mean by nameless objects?
  • 58) Which of the following is true about the anonymous inner class?
  • 59) Which of the following is a valid long literal?
  • 60) What does the expression float a = 35 / 0 return?
  • 61) What is the return type of the hashCode() method in the Object class?
  • 62) Which of the following is not a Java features?
  • 63) Which of the following are not Java modifiers?
  • 64) Division operator has ____ precedence over multiplication operator
  • 65) What feature of OOP has a super-class sub-class concept?
  • 66) Which statement transfer execution to different parts of your code based on the value of an expression?
  • 67) Which of these is returned by Greater Than, Less Than and Equal To (i.e Relational) operator ?
  • 68) Which of these operators is used to allocate memory to array variable in Java?
  • 69) Which symbol is used to contain the values of automatically initialized arrays?
  • 70) Which one is a template for creating different objects ?
  • 71) Java language was initially called as ________
  • 72) Which of these is returned by operator '&' ?
  • 73) Which of the following are not Java keywords ?
  • 74) What is byte code in Java?
  • 75) In java control statements break, continue, return, try-catch-finally and assert belongs to?
  • 76) Which of the following is not an operator in Java?
  • 77) What do you mean by >>> operator in Java
  • 78) Which one of the following is an Unary operator in Java?
  • 79) Select Odd one out from these about local variables
  • 80) On which platforms Java runs?
  • 81) Which class provides system independent server side implementation?
  • 82) Which one of the following is not an access modifier?
  • 83) Which of these keywords are used for the block to be examined for exceptions?
  • 84) Which of these packages contains the exception Stack Overflow in Java?
  • 85) Which of the below is not a Java Profiler?
  • 86) Which of the following is a superclass of every class in Java?
  • 87) Which of these are selection statements in Java?
  • 88) Which exception is thrown when java is out of memory?
  • 89) What is Truncation in Java?
  • 90) Which of the following is a type of polymorphism in Java Programming?
  • 91) What is not the use of “this” keyword in Java?
  • 92) Which of the following is not an OOPS concept in Java?
  • 93) Which environment variable is used to set the java path?
  • 94) What is the extension of java code files?
  • 95) Which of these cannot be used for a variable name in Java?
  • 96) Which one of the following is not a Java feature?
  • 97) Java is a code dependent programming language
  • 98) Which statement is true about Java?
  • 99) Who invented Java Programming?
  • 100) What is the size of float and double in java?
  • 101) Number of primitive data types in Java are?