MYSQL Multiple Choice Questions

  • 1) In SQL, __ is an Aggregate function.
  • 2) Type data abstraction which allows conceptual representation of data in database management system is considered as
  • 3) The student marks should not be greater than 100. This is
  • 4) Data Warehouse provides
  • 5) Which level of Abstraction describes what data are stored in the Database?
  • 6) Storing same data in many places is called.
  • 7) DCL is used to _?
  • 8) The file created by the server to store the database attributes is _____?
  • 9) What keyword is the synonym for DATABASE?
  • 10) How the communication is established with MySQL server?
  • 11) What’s the difference between the DESCRIBE and SHOW FIELDS FROM commands?
  • 12) A user with RELOAD privileges can
  • 13) If you’re writing a client using the C language API, your source code should include the following line at the top:
  • 14) The program called MySQL is
  • 15) Which of these field types would be best to hold a film title?
  • 16) Which of the following is NOT available in MySQL:
  • 17) How many distinct, different values can you hold in an enum field?
  • 18) If you want to undo a GRANT, you should use
  • 19) Which of these is a valid call to a function (watch the spaces carefully!)
  • 20) You are required to buy a license for MySQL if
  • 21) One of the early proponents of the relational database who laid down many of the principles we use to this day was:
  • 22) Which of the following is NOT supported by MySQL
  • 23) In a LIKE clause, you can ask for any value ending in “ton” by writing
  • 24) Which of these is not a valid name for a column
  • 25) Commands passed to the MySQL daemon are written in
  • 26) Internally information is held in tables. Which of these is NOT a valid format:
  • 27) What kind of replication is supported by the MySQL server?
  • 28) The “father” of MySQL is ______.
  • 29) MySQL Access security is controlled through?
  • 30) A SELECT command without a WHERE clause returns?
  • 31) The main MySQL program that does all the data handling is called?
  • 32) The USE command?
  • 33) Which of the following commands should be used to create a database named “student”?
  • 34) How much character are allowed to create database name?
  • 35) Which of the following is used to delete an entire MYSQL database?
  • 36) What SQL clause is used to restrict the rows returned by a query?
  • 37) Which of the following is not a valid aggregate function?
  • 38) In a LIKE clause, you can could ask for any value ending in "qpt" by writing
  • 39) To use MySQL on your computer, you'll need?
  • 40) To remove duplicate rows from the result set of a SELECT use the following keyword:
  • 41) MySQL runs on which operating systems?
  • 42) When do we use a HAVING clause?
  • 43) A view is nothing but a _____________ table or a stored query.
  • 44) How do I find out all databases starting with `test to which I have access to ?
  • 45) USE keyword is used to select a _________
  • 46) How can we get the number of records or rows in a table?
  • 47) What is a candidate key?
  • 48) On executing DELETE command, if you get an error “foreign key constraint” – what does it imply?
  • 49) –i-am-a-dummy flag is used Make the MySQL engine refuse UPDATE and which other command?
  • 50) Which of the following file extension is valid MyISAM file extension?
  • 51) How much storage space does DATETIME require?
  • 52) User() function return the current user name and ___________
  • 53) Which of the following are valid column names?
  • 54) In a LIKE clause, you can ask for any 6 letter value by writing
  • 55) The term ___________ is used to refer a column.
  • 56) Which of the following is not a numeric function?
  • 57) The SQL keyword BETWEEN is used:
  • 58) Which of the following is not a date function?
  • 59) Which of the following can add a row to a table?
  • 60) Which of the following is not a DML command?
  • 61) With SQL, how do you select all the columns from a table named "Persons"?
  • 62) Which SQL statement is used to return only different values?
  • 63) What will be returned by the given query? SELECT round(153.669, 2);
  • 64) What will be printed by the given query? SELECT LENGTH("WINNER");
  • 65) Which of the following scripts will run successfully?
  • 66) Which of the following is not a valid aggregate function?
  • 67) Which of the following is not a relational operator?
  • 68) The _________ statement is used to delete a table.
  • 69) What is the full form of SQL?
  • 70) Which type of database management system is MySQL?
  • 71) MySQL is
  • 72) Which of the following data type is used when it comes to store images in your database?
  • 73) Which type of join combines the result from both the tables and returns us the Cartesian product of the values?
  • 74) If you want to add a row in a table then which command you will use?
  • 75) Which SQL commands are used for manipulation/ modifying the data present in the table?
  • 76) SELECT is a type of which SQL command?
  • 77) Which MySQL function is used to get the current date and time?
  • 78) Which SQL command is used for granting or revoking the rights?
  • 79) 'MYSQL is the open source software' - What do you mean by this statement?
  • 80) Which of the following syntax you will use to rename the table name?
  • 81) Which key helps us to establish the relationship between two tables?
  • 82) Which key is commonly known as a subset of a super key?
  • 83) If you are asked to find out the names which only have 5 characters then what query pattern you will use?
  • 84) Suppose you are asked to display all the names which have 'a' as their second character then which query pattern you will use?
  • 85) Suppose you have 1000 records and you only want 100 records which of the following clause you will use?
  • 86) From all the clauses in MYSQL what task is performed by the DISTINT clause?
  • 87) Which of the following is the correct syntax for using the TRUNCATE statement?
  • 88) If you are asked to delete the entire data of a table without disturbing the table definition then in such case which statement you will use?
  • 89) What is the function of DESCRIBE statement?
  • 90) What does the show tables command do?
  • 91) Which of the following is the correct syntax to add a field using alter command?
  • 92) ALTER command is a type of which SQL command?
  • 93) Which of the following command is used to delete a database?
  • 94) To see all the databases which command is used?
  • 95) In which form MYSQL query results are displayed?
  • 96) To know your MYSQL version and current date which of the following command you should use?
  • 97) What do you mean by HOST in MYSQL?
  • 98) To see the list of options provided by MYSQL which of the following command is used?
  • 99) In which language MYSQL is written?