Spring Framework Multiple Choice Questions

  • 1) What type of dependency injection does Spring NOT support?
  • 2) Which of the following is not a valid method to provide configuration metadata to a Spring Container?
  • 3) @RequestMapping is part of which part of Spring?
  • 4) What is one of the major improvements in Spring 3?
  • 5) Which annotation lets you grab the value of an HTTP request header?
  • 6) Which of the following is NOT a JDBC statement?
  • 7) How is slf4j commonly used in Spring applications?
  • 8) Which of the following is NOT a scope available in Spring web applications?
  • 9) spring-test uses what common convention to allow testing using HTTP session and HTTP request objects?
  • 10) What property can be used to set the active Spring profiles
  • 11) What is bean scope?
  • 12) Which of the following attribute is used to handle web flow requests?
  • 13) Which of the following RestTemplate method is used to consume restfull service with post method?
  • 14) We use Spring __________ to consume an API using all the main HTTP Verbs.
  • 15) Which of the following is not related to JdbcTemplate?
  • 16) Which of the following is not correct about using JdbcTemplate in spring?
  • 17) Which of the following is not the spring built-in events?
  • 18) ______ annotation indicates that the class can be used by the Spring IoC container as a source of bean definitions.
  • 19) Which annotation in spring indicates that the affected bean property must be populated in XML configuration file at configuration time else the container will throw a BeanInitializationException exception?
  • 20) Which of the following is not a spring bean autowire mode?
  • 21) In spring collection injection, _________ can be used to inject a collection of name-value pairs where the name and value are both Strings.
  • 22) In spring xml-based configuration, constructor injection is acheived using __________ attribute
  • 23) In spring XML-based configuration metadata, we indicate a child bean definition by using the _________ attribute.
  • 24) Full form of pojo is ____________
  • 25) Bean factories is defined by ____________
  • 26) Which annotation is used to indicate spring that autowiring should be performed?
  • 27) Which of the following is correct?
  • 28) The process of applying aspects to a target object to create a new proxied object is called____________
  • 29) Which of the following scope doesn't only apply to web-applications in spring?
  • 30) @Component annotation on class indicates
  • 31) ClassPathXmlApplicationContext searches .xml file in:
  • 32) @componentScan("tihApplications") in spring indicates
  • 33) core, beans, context, expression, context support in spring are all part of:
  • 34) In Spring based applications, the objects lives in
  • 35) Spring helps to acheive:
  • 36) Partial dependency in spring can be achieved using:
  • 37) This loads bean definitions and wire them together_________
  • 38) What pattern does Spring MVC implement to delegate request processing to controllers?
  • 39) Which exception class is bound to all the exceptions thrown in Spring applications?
  • 40) What are the different types of Bean injection?
  • 41) What types of dependency injection does Spring support?
  • 42) What is dependency injection?
  • 43) Which Of The Following Is Not A Spring Module?
  • 44) Dependency Injection Or IOC Is A _____________?
  • 45) Controller In Spring Is A(N)_______________?
  • 46) Spring Is A ___________ Framework?
  • 47) Endpoint Classes for DOM:-
  • 48) Spring-WS provides various abstract endpoint classes for you to process the request.
  • 49) In Spring, which of the following about the scope of a stateful bean is correct?
  • 50) In Spring, which of the following is the correct way for using idref attribute?
  • 51) Which of the following is the classification of different autowire in Spring?
  • 52) The act of creating associations between different component of application is known as:
  • 53) The objects that form the backbone of your application and that are managed by the Spring container are called
  • 54) The Spring container gets its instructions on what objects to instantiate, configure, and assemble by reading the
  • 55) Method provided by ExectuorService which returns a Future < T >
  • 56) Which package is used for periodic work
  • 57) Method that converts string into a property value
  • 58) Method which converts property into a string value
  • 59) Which of the following property editors are registered by Spring?
  • 60) Which property editor is used to specify a URL String for a property of the URL type?
  • 61) Which of the following is used to convert property values to text Values?
  • 62) Which event is provoked when web request comes into action
  • 63) Which method is used to publish your own custom event
  • 64) Which interface is used to listen to certain events
  • 65) Which interface defines methods for resolving text messages
  • 66) Which bean factory post processor externalizes part of the bean configurations into a properties file
  • 67) PathCheckingBeanPostProcessor will not work properly in case of:-
  • 68) Which method of bean post processors is used to check path existence
  • 69) Which method is used to register BeanPostProcessor?
  • 70) Alternate way of destruction method is:-
  • 71) Alternate way of initialization method is:-
  • 72) Which Attribute is used to specify the bean declared?
  • 73) Exception thrown by factory method?
  • 74) Which attribute is used to specify static factory-method?
  • 75) Which of the following method can be used to used to instantiate a method?
  • 76) Which attribute is used to specify class name of the bean?
  • 77) Beans can be created by which of the following properties?
  • 78) To declare a JNDI object reference in the Spring IoC container.
  • 79) Annotation which decorates the PostageServiceBean is
  • 80) To start the OpenEJB container, you first set environment variable
  • 81) Spring EJB Support Classes for Different Types of EJB
  • 82) Spring EJB Support Classes for Different Types of EJB
  • 83) In Spring Method that allows you to start a new transaction is called -
  • 84) How many types of method injection are available in spring?
  • 85) Which element is used to specify access attributes for bean's methods.
  • 86) Which method is used to process bean before initialization callback
  • 87) What is the scope of bean in portlet context?
  • 88) Spring is developed by
  • 89) Spring is licensed under
  • 90) In AOP, the job of an aspect is called___________
  • 91) To deal with the databases, spring framework provides______________
  • 92) Which tag is also allowed by static field?
  • 93) What is Bean in Spring?
  • 94) What is the default scope of the beans?
  • 95) Which of the following class can be used to execute Sql queries in spring?
  • 96) Which class is used to map a database row to a java object in spring?
  • 97) Thread scoped bean is introduced in which version of spring framework.
  • 98) Which of the following is part of Data Access layer in Spring framework?
  • 99) Which of the following class can be used to call Stored Procedures in spring?
  • 100) How to handle shut down of IoC container?
  • 101) What is session scope?