Flutter Circular & Linear Progress Indicators

In Flutter, progress indicators are used to indicate that an operation is ongoing or to show the progress of an ongoing operation. In this blog post, we will explore how to create circular and linear progress indicators in Flutter with examples.

Circular Progress Indicator

The CircularProgressIndicator widget in Flutter is used to display a circular progress indicator. 

Here is an example of how to create a circular progress indicator in Flutter

  child: CircularProgressIndicator(),

In this example, we use the CircularProgressIndicator widget to display a circular progress indicator in the center of the screen. The CircularProgressIndicator widget has several optional parameters, such as value, backgroundColor, and strokeWidth, which can be used to customize the appearance of the progress indicator.

Linear Progress Indicator

The LinearProgressIndicator widget in Flutter is used to display a linear progress indicator.

Here is an example of how to create a linear progress indicator in Flutter

  child: LinearProgressIndicator(),

In this example, we use the LinearProgressIndicator widget to display a linear progress indicator in the center of the screen. The LinearProgressIndicator widget also has several optional parameters, such as value, backgroundColor, and valueColor, which can be used to customize the appearance of the progress indicator.

Customized Progress Indicators

In addition to the default circular and linear progress indicators provided by Flutter, we can also create customized progress indicators using custom widgets or third-party packages.

Here is an example of how to create a customized circular progress indicator using the flutter_spinkit package

  color: Colors.blue,
  size: 50.0,

In this example, we use the SpinKitFadingCircle widget from the flutter_spinkit package to create a customized circular progress indicator that fades in and out. We can customize the appearance of the progress indicator by specifying the color and size parameters.

we explored how to create circular and linear progress indicators in Flutter with examples. We learned how to use the default progress indicator widgets provided by Flutter, as well as how to create customized progress indicators using custom widgets or third-party packages. With these tools, we can create progress indicators that fit the needs of our Flutter applications.