Icon Class in Flutter

Icons are a common element in modern UI design. They are used to represent actions, items, and ideas in a simple and intuitive way. In Flutter, we can use the Icon class to display icons in our applications. In this blog post, we will explore how to use the Icon class in Flutter with examples.

Using the Icon class

The Icon class in Flutter allows us to display icons from a variety of sources, including the Material Icons font, custom fonts, and images. We can create an Icon widget by specifying an icon data object, which tells the Icon class which icon to display.

Material Icons

To use icons from the Material Icons font, we can use the Icons class, which provides a list of available icons. Here is an example of how to display an icon from the Material Icons font using the Icon class:


In this example, we use the Icons.home constant to specify which icon to display. The Icon widget will automatically look up the icon data object for the home icon and display it.

Custom Fonts

In addition to the Material Icons font, we can also use custom fonts to display icons in our applications. To do this, we need to define a font asset in our pubspec.yaml file and then use the Icon class with a custom font family. Here is an example of how to use a custom font to display an icon:

  IconData(0xe900, fontFamily: 'MyCustomFont'),

In this example, we use the IconData constructor to specify the Unicode code point of the icon and the font family to use. The MyCustomFont font family must be defined in the pubspec.yaml file for this to work.


Finally, we can also use images to display icons in our applications. To do this, we can use the ImageIcon widget, which is a subclass of the Icon class that allows us to display images as icons. Here is an example of how to use the ImageIcon widget:


In this example, we use the AssetImage constructor to load an image from our assets directory and the ImageIcon widget to display it as an icon.


we explored how to use the Icon class in Flutter to display icons in our applications. We learned how to use the Icons class to display icons from the Material Icons font, how to use custom fonts to display icons, and how to use images to display icons. With these techniques, we can easily add icons to our Flutter applications and improve the user experience of our apps.